Therahab 4 Wheel Mobility Scooter
Product Highlights:
- PERFECT FIT GUARANTEE: Visit Brace.Direct, an American owned company, to schedule your appointment with an experienced team member for a free video fitting and adjustment session to achieve the perfect fit- guaranteed.
- SAFE NAVIGATION- The Therahab Motorized Scooter navigates smoothly and safely with a max speed of 3.8 mph and reverse speed of 2.2 mph. Designed to safely support up to 264 pounds, the mobility scooter and its tires were engineered for durability and safety. Its easy-grip tires are flat-free, non-marking, and are 7.5” with a Dual Rear Anti-Tipper to stop the scooter from going backwards when it is on a slope.
- COMFORTABLE SEATING- Generously padded, the wide, 14.5” seat and backrest provide gentle cushioning and support. Two padded armrests provide additional support for the user.
- USER FRIENDLY CONTROLS- Located on the console, the control panel will allow you to adjust your speed, and includes a lever for forward and a lever for reverse. Automatic Electronic Braking immediately becomes effective when you lose control of the joystick
- PERSONALIZED SUPPORT: Reach out to Brace Direct (an American Owned Company) to schedule an appointment with a fitting professional for a free video fitting and adjustment session to achieve the perfect fit.
Shipping information
Shipping Time: 2 - 5 Days